AMHF Show 2014, Moorsele Belgium

The second horse show for this year and we are so proud to anounce that we do have a Grand Champion Senior Stallion. Thanks a lot to Cedric from Elevage de la Buise and his whole team! We are proud of you all!



Oasis XS Beyond Belief, Grand Champion 2014
Beyond is shown in Amateurclass with Tanja
The trophies won this weekend by Cedric Dubroecq and his team from Elevage de la Buise


Avarella GbR

American Miniature Horses and Donkys


Alexandra Erbeldinger

Großstraße 53

55627 Merxheim


Tel.: 06754/946507



Kinderreiten/- aktionen

Tel: 06754/946507 oder

Hd: 0175/2634497


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